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A new era in document automation with WordPress

Like so many others, I’ve seen enough to be convinced that AI is here to stay, that it will get exponentially more powerful over time, and that the technology will transform many areas of work.

Of course, document automation has been making inroads into the drafting of many kinds of documents for a long time. The value of automation, and the efficiencies and cost savings it can bring, are undeniable.

Now that AI is on our doorstop and bashing down the door, what does this mean for orthodox document automation? With orthodox document automation, typically we create docx templates with ‘direct replacement’ merge tags and ‘conditional content’ merge tags that are processed to produce a customised document when someone fills out a form or answers a questionnaire. Another way of doing it is to convert html output to a docx file. In each case, the process (when done properly) ensures consistent and predictable outputs. With AI, the question becomes whether this tried and true method will be overtaken.

My current view is that, at the moment, AI tools like ChatGPT are too variable and inconsistent in what they produce to completely replace orthodox document automation, at least for documents like medium to high risk contracts. That may change to a lesser or greater degree in the future when we’re better able to train AI tools on our current documents. At the moment, though, asking the likes of ChatGPT to draft something like a master services agreement for IT services for a government or commercial client is highly unlikely to produce what you need.

However, I believe there are potentially considerable advantages in amalgamating orthodox document automation with AI content generation. In other words, we can leverage the best of both approaches within a single document automation tool.

Recently I’ve explored this in detail in the context of WordPress:

Here’s a quick video overview too:

For more, see the GravityMerge website.

Document automation is coming to a WordPress installation near you

WordPress and Gravity Forms are both awesome. But, for a long time, there’s been a gap in what the ecosystem can do in the realm of document automation. This has been the case because either:

  • you had to pipe your data to or otherwise rely on third party hosted services; or
  • your options were limited to PDF output, or document output that did not accommodate conditional content.

Solutions that require you to pipe your data to or otherwise rely on third party hosted services can result in a loss of control over your data, as well as potentially expensive monthly or annual fees. Solutions that limit you to PDF output restrict what you or your clients or customers can do with the generated output. And solutions that enable output to .doc or .docx formats but do not support conditional content are just too limited for any use case where chunks of content need to be included or excluded depending on what a person enters into a form.

GravityMerge is changing all that, and it’s doing it in multiple ways that support the needs of a wide range of industries, professions (including the legal profession which has particular needs when it comes to hierarchical numbering styles) and use cases:

  • It’s enabling the production of automated documentary outputs based on underlying Word/docx templates that contain direct merge tags and conditional merge tags, bringing to WordPress true and powerful document automation that benefits from the richness of Microsoft Word document formatting.
  • It’s enabling the production of automated documentary outputs where conditional content processing is done within Gravity Forms itself, through the use of either a form’s conditional logic or Gravity Forms’ own conditional merge tags, with the conditional output you see on your confirmation screen or persistent confirmation page being available for download in docx format.
  • It’s enabling you to use a customised “all fields” merge tag in your form confirmations that supports the inclusion of HTML fields and the exclusion of empty fields, together with a document download option.
  • It’s enabling you to see legal-style hierarchical/ordered numbering in the classic editor, block editor, Gravity Forms rich text paragraph field, Gravity Forms confirmation screen, and HTML-to-DOCX downloads.

Oh, and for those who like to throw in a bit of ChatGPT-style AI, with GravityWiz’s awesome OpenAI plugin you can get OpenAI to process content for you based on how someone answers questions in your form, and include the ChatGPT-style output within your automated output that you make available for download.

To learn more and get your hands on these plugins, take a look at GravityMerge.

The perils for plugin businesses with no or minimal terms of use

WordPress is a fantastic content management system. In the some 18 years that I’ve been using it, I’ve seen it go from a glorified blogging engine to a fully fledged content management system. I’ve seen the development and growth of theme and plugin businesses, and I’ve witnessed and contributed to the often arcane debates about the GPL. Through this site, I’ve also tried to help WordPress theme and plugin businesses with the various legal issues that can crop up in the use of WordPress and the running of their businesses.

I will soon be launching my own plugin business. The plugins that will be available for purchase all revolve around Gravity Forms (an awesome plugin that I’ve been using since 2010). If you’d like to be told when I launch, feel free to sign up here:

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

In the past I whipped up an automated terms of use builder for theme and plugin businesses (you had to purchase the ‘business package’ of A Practical Guide to WordPress and the GPL to get access), and I’m using that as a starting point for the terms of use for my own forthcoming plugin business.

I thought I’d also take a look around to see what other plugin businesses are doing these days. Some have solid terms of use, as you’d expect, but what I wasn’t expecting to find was some stellar plugin businesses who have no terms of use at all (!) or only minimal terms. In some cases, there are no contractual terms of use on their website, and no ‘click to access terms’ process during the checkout process.

My hand-on-heart recommendation to these businesses is to get decent terms of use in place as soon as possible. Why? Because without them, you are not protecting yourself and you’re exposing your business to undue risk. For example, if you don’t have terms of use:

  • you may not be dealing properly (or at all) with copyright and licensing (not only of the plugins, but of other content on your site);
  • you will not be creating a right for yourself to discontinue a customer’s access to support and updates if that customer decides to make your products available on another website for others to download;
  • you will not be specifying the customer’s loss of a right to withdraw from the contract upon download or use of a plugin (relevant in some countries, such as EU member states, but not others);
  • you will not be putting any limits on the volume of support you may be asked to provide;
  • you won’t be putting contractual controls in place regarding access keys and access credentials;
  • you won’t be setting out clear contractual provisions relating to fees, renewals, refunds, price changes and the like;
  • you won’t be dealing with account termination if a customer uses your products unlawfully or for an unlawful purpose or if they are abusive to you or your staff;
  • you won’t be limiting your liability and warranties and you won’t be obtaining any indemnities from your customers for losses you may incur through their breaching your rights;
  • you won’t be dealing with termination of the arrangements in place with your customers;
  • you won’t be securing a right to unilaterally amend terms in place with your customers; and
  • you won’t be specifying governing law and the country or state whose courts will hear disputes.

You also run the risk of an implied contract coming into existence when people purchase your plugins, or the prospect of people making arguments about what you’re obliged to do based on what they say are implied contractual terms.

The difference between not having terms of use that address the matters listed above, and having proper terms of use, is a bit like the difference between finding yourself in rough seas in a flimsy boat and without a life jacket versus being in a navy vessel that’s armoured-up and prepared for whatever may come. Not having terms of use can also be unhelpful for your customers, as there are no clear contractual guide rails and they may be left wondering what they can and cannot do. All up, a pretty unsatisfactory situation and not one, I suggest, that plugin business owners should find themselves in.

Attention WordPress course creators – mad cyber week deal on The 5-Step Legal Plan for Online Course Creators

I suspect many of us, myself included, are now suffering from Black Friday to Cyber Monday fatigue. So I’ll keep this brief.

For a very limited time, I’m offering full access to The 5-Step Legal Plan for Online Course Creators for the madly discounted price of $29. That’s a whopping 66% off the normal price. The course helps you to protect your course content, avoid being sued, comply with important laws, and keep what you earn in your pocket, in under 90 minutes!

This includes walking you through quick and automated creation of your own copyright statement, disclaimer, terms of use, and privacy statement.

Oh, and you’ll get all 6 of our ebooks too, which cover protecting your course content, using others’ content safely, licensing content to get promotion, mastering your email marketing, having a privacy statement, and shielding yourself from lawsuits.

This deal will never be repeated again, so be quick. There’s never been a better time or place for course creators to get their legal house in order.

GET THE DEAL HERE AND NOW, before it vanishes.

(The timer on the sales page is a real timer, not one of those poxy, misleading timers that restart when you do a browser refresh. I should really write a blog post about those, as in some countries they can violate consumer protection laws.)

What all online course creators need to know about the legal stuff

“Make sure you get the legal stuff right with your online course.” “Huh?”, the course creator responds. “What do I need to know, and why?”

It’s all too easy for course creators to come up with and validate a great idea, create their course, get on with their marketing, and whack their course up on a course platform, without giving much if any thought to the legal stuff. Unfortunately, not getting the legal stuff right – getting the legal stuff wrong – can have very negative consequences. With that in mind, and to help you start thinking about the things you need to know, I’ve whipped up “17 practical legal steps to help you create great course content, protect yourself, and keep your money”.

It’s free, and you can find it on Law of Course (just scroll to the bottom). Hope you find it useful.

Online Courses and Legal Stuff

Let me introduce to Online Courses and Legal Stuff

Over time I’ve written quite a bit about legal issues associated with the use of WordPress. I’m still interested in the topic but am taking a further pause from it to focus on legal issues associated with online course creation. Borrowing from the name for this site, I’m calling my new site Online Courses and Legal Stuff.

Now, many WordPress users are also interested in creating online courses, or building themes and plugins that support online courses. For this reason, I’m expecting to be writing about WordPress from time to time on Online Courses and Legal Stuff and, as such, it seems relevant to announce Online Courses and Legal Stuff here, on WP and Legal Stuff.

Come on over

If you’re interested in the legal issues associated with online course creation, come on over to Online Courses and Legal Stuff. As you’ll see, I’ve designed the homepage as a landing page.

If you’re interested in the Online Courses and Legal Stuff blog. Here’s a list of posts to date (latest post first):

If you’d like to join the Online Courses and Legal Issues Facebook group, it’d be great to have you on board.

And if you’re interested in online course creation and would like me to explore particular issues in one or more blog posts, feel free to let me know via the contact form here on WP and Legal Stuff.

Have a great day.

Taking GPL’d code proprietary…

The question

It’s been a while since I’ve dropped a post here. Hell, I even bypassed the entire coming into effect of the GDPR (though I have written about it elsewhere: The GDPR and its practical global effect, whether we like it or not). Life gets busy sometimes.

Anyway, yesterday I received an interesting question through the Ask me a question page of this site. The question was this (I’ve removed some names to make the example more generic):

“Let’s say a code project has been released under the GPL for years. The original author of the project (let’s call the author Charlie) or his or her company (let’s call it CharlieCo) wants to take it under a proprietary licence. Is Charlie or CharlieCo allowed to do this, given that the original work was released under the GPL (and has been licensed under the GPL for ages) and given that the original author has accepted contributions under that licence?”

When asked this question, most lawyers practising in this field can be expected to say things like: “There aren’t enough facts to give you an answer” or “what do you mean by ‘take it under a proprietary licence’?” or “tell me more…”. This is because we need to know:

  • whether Charlie or CharlieCo owns the original code;
  • whether contributors assigned/transferred their copyright in their contributions to Charlie or CarlieCo (with Charlie or CharlieCo becoming the owner and then freely deciding to license those contributions under the GPL) or, as is the case with contributions to WordPress, the contributors retained the copyright but released it to the project under the GPL; and
  • whether Charlie or CharlieCo will distribute the code in its latest form.

The answers to these questions will determine whether the GPL permits what Charlie or CharlieCo may wish to do.

For the purpose of answering the question put to me, I’m going to chart out 3 different permutations to these questions, in three different fact scenarios. I suspect Scenario 2 is the scenario the person who asked the question had in mind, but it may help some people to chart out the different scenarios to get a better understanding of relevant aspects of the GPL.

The three scenarios

Scenario 1

In this scenario:

  • Charlie owned (and still owns) the copyright in the original code;
  • contributions to the code by third party developers were released to the project under the GPL but without any assignment or transfer of copyright ownership (i.e., the normal WordPress approach); and
  • Charlie will adapt the combined codebase for a different and internal project, but will not distribute the adapted code.

On these facts, Charlie can do what’s proposed consistently with the GPL. In other words, Charlie will not be breaching the GPL. This is because the GPL’s ‘license your modifications under the GPL’ requirement is only triggered upon distribution of the codebase. In this scenario as I’ve described it, there is no such distribution.

Scenario 2

Scenario 2 is the same as Scenario 1 but there will be distribution of code:

  • Charlie owned (and still owns) the copyright in the original code;
  • contributions to the code by third party developers were released to the project under the GPL but without any assignment or transfer of copyright ownership (i.e., the normal WordPress approach); and
  • Charlie will adapt the combined codebase for another project and sell that adapted combined codebase under a proprietary licence.

In this scenario, there would be a clear breach of the GPL. This is because Charlie is distributing the adapted combined codebase but is not licensing it under the GPL. There are actually at least two breaches: first, presumably Charlie will have removed the GPL licence statements from the original combined and GPL-licensed codebase (this alone is a breach); and second, Charlie is not licensing the adapted combined codebase under the GPL, that is, Charlie is not licensing Charlie’s own contributions to the combined codebase under the GPL (the pre-existing code components were already GPL-licensed).

Scenario 3

Scenario 3 is the same as Scenario 2, but Charlie owns all the code:

  • Charlie owned (and still owns) the copyright in the original code;
  • the copyright in contributions to the code by third party developers was transferred to Charlie; and
  • Charlie will adapt the combined codebase for another project and sell that adapted combined codebase under a proprietary licence.

This is an interesting scenario. It wouldn’t happen in the ‘WordPress core’ space (by which I mean the downloadable WordPress CMS) because, as noted above, contributors to WordPress core retain the copyright in their own contributions but release them under the GPL. However, it could happen in other open source contexts.

The short answer is this: if Charlie owns the copyright in all the code in the combined codebase (i.e., both Charlie’s own contributions and the contributions of others because those others transferred copyright ownership to Charlie), then Charlie can license the combined codebase as s/he pleases. As the copyright owner, Charlie can license the combined codebase under the GPL, or under a proprietary licence, or both.

This may sound counter-intuitive to some people but, from a copyright perspective, it’s not. A copyright owner can choose to license copyright code or other content s/he owns in whatever way s/he likes, and s/he can do that under multiple different licences if s/he likes. An exception to this is where a copyright owner grants an exclusive licence that precludes other forms of licensing, but that is not the case with the GPL. The GPL is not an exclusive licence. So, in this scenario, Charlie can license as s/he pleases.

Parting comment

As noted above, I suspect the person who asked this question had Scenario 2 in mind. In that scenario as I’ve described it, there would be clear violations of the GPL.

(Thanks to Kristina V for the Freedom image, available on Unsplash)

Unsplash GPL-compatibility concern should be a red herring

The question

A reader of WP and Legal Stuff asks:

“There’s quite a big debate going on at the moment about Unsplash’s new license. See:

It would be great to a get a lawyer’s input on whether the new license is GPL compatible or not. Is it possible for individual photos to be GPL while having a restriction on the collection as a whole?”

The short answer is that the new Unsplash licence imposes a prohibition on a certain kind of use of the licensed images that the GPL would not impose, but it shouldn’t matter because the GPL doesn’t require images bundled in a distributed theme folder to be GPL-licensed and nor should this be required for themes submitted to the theme repository’. There is, however, a potentially important respect in which I suggest the new Unsplash licence needs to be clarified to create greater certainty for the developers of products, like themes, that contain the images as discrete files, so those developers can be confident that the end users of their products obtain the rights they need. If the new Unsplash licence is clarified as I suggest in this article, then I think Unsplash images should be able to be used for themes submitted to the repository.

The rest of this article sets out my reasoning for these conclusions.

The new Unsplash licence

The new licence says this:


All photos published on Unsplash can be used for free. You can use them for commercial and noncommercial purposes. You do not need to ask permission from or provide credit to the photographer or Unsplash, although it is appreciated when possible.

More precisely, Unsplash grants you a nonexclusive copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use photos from Unsplash for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the photographer or Unsplash. This license does not include the right to compile photos from Unsplash to replicate a similar or competing service.”


A number of points can be made in relation to the new Unsplash licence.

Prior submissions to Unsplash under CC0: The vast majority of photos on Unsplash (i.e., photos submitted prior to the licensing change) were (I believe) submitted to Unsplash on the basis of CC0 (early versions of Unsplash’s terms and conditions were slightly different but I’m not going to worry about that for the purposes of this article).  Prior to the licensing change, the terms and conditions said this:

“6. License granted by User

Notwithstanding any other provision herein, please be aware that by submitting, uploading, or otherwise making available Pictures to the Website, you agree to make, and are hereby making, the Pictures available to the Company and all Users under the terms of Creative Commons Zero, which means you permanently and irrevocably waive, abandon, and surrender your copyrights in and to the Pictures. Please review the terms of Creative Commons Zero, which are incorporated into this Section 6 by reference.”

Consistently with this clause, Unsplash said people could use the images under CC0:

“All photos published on Unsplash are licensed under Creative Commons Zero which means you can copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free, including commercial purposes, without asking permission from or providing attribution to the photographer or Unsplash.”

CC0 is primarily a public domain dedication. What this means is that, in countries where it’s possible to waive or relinquish your copyright in a work, the copyright essentially falls away with the result that the photos are in the ‘public domain’. To be in the ‘public domain’, in legal terms, means there’s no intellectual property right-related restriction on the work’s use. If the waiving of copyright isn’t effective, CC0 ‘falls back’ to a very broad and permissive licence (that, simply put, lets you do whatever you want with the work).

Using photos downloaded from Unsplash prior to the licensing change: Anyone who obtained a photo from Unsplash under CC0 can continue to use it as they wish (assuming the person who first submitted it to Unsplash was the true owner or was otherwise permitted to submit it under CC0 on behalf of the true owner) and without restriction because the Unsplash licensing change is not retrospective and does not alter the freedoms that those who downloaded the photos enjoyed when they downloaded them. Unsplash’s prior FAQs recognised this (my italics):

“Can I delete a photo once uploaded?

Yes. Login to your account and go to the Manage Photos tab under Account Settings. Find the photo you want to delete and click ‘Delete photo’.

However, due to the nature of the license, once a photo is released under CC0, the license is permanent and non-revocable, which means that your photo can continue to be used by the public (though it won’t be available on the Unsplash website). For more read the Creative Commons FAQ on the CC0 license.

Images uploaded to Unsplash after the licensing change are not released or licensed under CC0: The WP Tavern article says “Luke Chesser, co-founder of Unsplash, explained on Twitter that individual photos are still CC0-licensed and therefor GPL compatible”. As far as I can see from the Twitter page the article links to, Luke did not say this. Rather, and as the WP Tavern notes, he said:

“The Unsplash license doesn’t violate GPL and can still be used in WordPress themes. There are no restrictions on the individual photos.”

Whilst photos submitted to Unsplash prior to the licensing change were submitted under CC0, and therefore available to all who downloaded them before the licensing change without restriction under CC0, from the date of the licensing change the owner of the photo who submits the photo does not relinquish copyright or grant the ‘fall-back’ license under CC0. There is no longer any mention of CC0 in the Unsplash terms and conditions, its separate licensing page or the help questions. The position now is that the person who submits the photo retains his or her copyright in the photo and grants Unsplash a very broad licence (including the right to sub-license). You can see this in the opening to clause 6 and in clause 6.B of the terms and conditions:


Limited License to Us. You grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to host, store, transfer, display, adapt, perform, reproduce, modify, translate, and distribute your User Content (in whole or in part) in any media formats and through any media channels (now known or hereafter developed). You understand that we will not pay you for any use of your Photos and that your Photos will be made available to the public for their use without providing you attribution or compensation.”

What Unsplash itself does now is sub-license users’ photos under the terms of its own and very broad licence, as set out at the beginning of this article.

The vast majority of people have nothing to worry about: The Unsplash licence is not quite as broad as the freedoms a person obtains under CC0, given the prohibition in the Unsplash licence on compiling photos to replicate a similar or competing service, but it is still very broad and in most cases will give users everything they need. As far as I can tell, Unsplash is only intending to clamp down on competing services. The vast, vast, vast majority of Unsplash users ought to have nothing to worry about. (This doesn’t mean they can be certain they are not infringing someone else’s copyright because it’s always possible for someone to upload a photo to Unsplash without the right to do so but that was the case before the licensing change and is the case with Creative Commons-licensed images too.)

But is the Unsplash licence really broad enough for distributed products? In my view, with its new licence Unsplash has intended to allow people to bundle up images from Unsplash in their own products, whether for free or commercial distribution, just as they could before.  A question and answer on the site supports this view:

“Can I use Unsplash photos as part of a product to sell?

Yes, you can use Unsplash photos as part of a product you sell. For example, using an Unsplash photo on a website that sells a product or service is fine. What we advocate against is selling an Unsplash photographer’s photo without adding to it creatively, through editing or other methods.”

However, do their own licence terms support this? As I say, I think Unsplash intends them to, but in my view they could – and should – be clearer. Remember that this is what the licence says:

“All photos published on Unsplash can be used for free. You can use them for commercial and noncommercial purposes. You do not need to ask permission from or provide credit to the photographer or Unsplash, although it is appreciated when possible.

More precisely, Unsplash grants you a nonexclusive copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use photos from Unsplash for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the photographer or Unsplash. This license does not include the right to compile photos from Unsplash to replicate a similar or competing service.”

The issue I see is that the licence appears to be granted to the person who accesses the image file from Unsplash. The licence doesn’t actually say anything about the same rights being granted to anyone who comes into possession of the image via the person who downloaded the image or other means, e.g., through downloading a product, like a theme, that contains the image as a discrete file, and the Unsplash licence that users receive does not include a right for them to sub-license on the same terms.

I suspect the authors of the Unsplash licence have sought to replicate the freedoms of CC0 (except for the competition point) but I suggest to Unsplash that they clarify the issue I’m raising here by amending the licence to read something like this:

“All photos published on Unsplash can be used for free. Except as stated below, you and every person who comes into possession of them can use them for commercial and noncommercial purposes. There is no need to ask for permission from or provide credit to the photographer or Unsplash, although credit is appreciated when possible.

More precisely, Unsplash grants you and every person who comes into possession of the photos a nonexclusive copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use photos from Unsplash for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the photographer or Unsplash. This license does not include the right to compile photos from Unsplash to replicate a similar or competing service.”

These changes are intended to ensure that downstream recipients of the photos receive the same licence from Unsplash. Both the GPL and the Creative Commons licences are structured in this way. Without these changes, distributors of products like website themes may be concerned that the end users of their products will not receive the rights they need to use the photos for their own purposes. Those end users could, of course, go to Unsplash and re-download the photos themselves, and Unsplash is unlikely ever to take issue with an end user’s use of a photo in this kind of situation, but theme developers and others may sleep better at night knowing that they and their end users have the rights they need.

(I’m not providing legal advice here to Unsplash or anyone else. My standard disclaimer applies and I note there is more that could be said in the Unsplash licence on the kinds of topics addressed in the Creative Commons licences.)  

Copyright owners can dual-license: Incidentally, the licensing change also means that the owner of a photo can post it to Unsplash and, because he or she is retaining the copyright, license the same photo under different terms elsewhere. Unsplash does not purport to restrict the true owner from doing this (and nor should it).

The first GPL question – what the GPL itself requires: Turning now to the GPL question, to my mind this is a red herring, at least in terms of what the GPL itself requires. As I explained in A reader asks: Theme reviews, CC0, model releases and GPL-compatibility:

“In its opinion on WordPress themes and the GPL, the Software Freedom Law Center appears to have treated image files (among others) as independent works that are, to paraphrase GPL v2, merely aggregated with the software on a volume of storage or distribution medium; for this reason, they do not need to be licensed under the GPL if their owners/contributors prefer not to.

If they are separate, independent files (they are really a form of data), one might argue that they are beyond the rationale and scope of what I consider to be the Free Software Foundation’s GPL-compatibility test (on which I think the theme review team relies) because they would not need to be part of a “derivative work” based on either the WordPress core’s or a theme’s software. Rather, they would be (or could be in the right conditions) part of a compilation that would comprise the derivative work, the image files and any other independent copyright files. The significance of this is that, if they are not part of a derivative work, then they are not caught by the GPL’s viral/propagation requirement and GPL-compatibility is not required of them. To put it another way, if someone were to make a derivative work of the GPL’d software in a theme file on, the ‘downstream GPL licensing of derivative works’ requirement would not apply to the images (unless they’d been separately and expressly licensed under the GPL in their own right). They could be included in the new theme files under their original licences (assuming those licences were broad enough to allow re-use by others).”

This is why I say the GPL is red herring in terms of what the GPL itself requires. (I still think the new Unsplash licence needs to be clarified though along the lines discussed above.)

The second GPL question – relevant to submission of themes to Unfortunately (from the perspective of theme developers who use Unsplash images), my ‘red herring’ conclusion above is not the end of the story. There is a remaining and significant point that arises from the Theme Handbook. The Handbook says (my italics):

“If you wish to submit your creation to the free theme repository on, it must be 100% GPL compliant, including CSS and image files. Because the freedoms spelled out in the GPL are at the heart of WordPress, we encourage developers to distribute their themes with a 100% GPL-compatible license.”

As I explained in Theme reviews, CC0, model releases and GPL-compatibility, this statement should be treated as a policy call by the theme review team because, so far as including separate images within a WordPress theme folder is concerned, the GPL does not require ‘100% GPL compliance / compatibility’. In that article, I argued the case for allowing Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) and Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA) licensed images in themes submitted to the repository (because users would still receive all the rights they need which I think is what is important). If the new Unsplash licence is clarified in the manner suggested above, the same argument will apply to photos from Unsplash under that new licence although the argument will be stronger because the freedoms under the Unsplash licence will be broader.

Turning now to what, for some, will be a key point, in my view – if Unsplash clarifies its licence as suggested above – it would make no sense for the theme review team to reject a theme merely on the basis that it uses a photo from Unsplash that was downloaded under the terms of the new licence. To insist on that would be to insist on a level of ‘GPL purity’ that the GPL itself does not require and that, to my mind at least, would unreasonably restrict the ability of WordPress developers to use the awesome images available from Unsplash in themes submitted to the repository.

If Unsplash clarifies its licence as suggested above, then I suggest the time will come for the Theme Handbook to recognise the legitimacy of using photos from Unsplash, as well as CC-BY and CC-BY-SA licensed images, in themes submitted to the theme repository, with accompanying guidance as to why that’s legitimate and what, in the case of CC-BY and CC-BY-SA licensed images, submitting developers need to be aware of.

(Thanks to Jan Joseph Ybanez for the fish image, available on, and thanks to Unsplash for providing the world with such an awesome service.)

How to apply the GPL to your themes and plugins (and avoid getting in the shi*)


Jamie’s story

Hi. I’m Jamie. I’m a developer and I make stuff for WordPress. I create themes and plugins for it, ranging from free releases on, to custom work for clients to products I sell on various marketplaces. I’m also thinking of selling my products independently from my own site. I get it that WordPress itself is licensed under the GPL and I get it that this means that at least some of what I create needs to be licensed under the GPL. Sometimes I also use other people’s GPL-licensed code in my themes and plugins and, at the moment, I’m forking a GPL-licensed plugin in the plugin repository to take it in a new direction. I reckon I understand the basics of the GPL but, to be honest, I’m not always clear about how to apply it to my releases and I’m not always sure whether I’m complying with it properly when using other people’s GPL-licensed code. I’m also aware that there’s a bunch of additional rules on that I need to comply with when I want to add a theme or plugin to the theme or plugin repository but, again, I’m not always sure that I’m doing what I need to. I don’t want to be accused of stealing other people’s code or of being a pirate, “me hearties”, and I don’t want my themes or plugins to be rejected when I submit them to I wish this stuff could be easier! 

“I wish this stuff could be easier!”

Have you ever found yourself saying or thinking this or otherwise cursing the ins and outs of applying the GPL to your themes or plugins? Have you ever been worried that, perhaps, you’re not doing what the GPL requires or that you’ve overlooked a requirement? From a wide range of stories and comments I’ve seen around the web, I think Jamie’s story is one that rings true for many. So, if you’ve answered yes to one of these questions, you’re far from being alone and this post is for you.

“How do I apply and comply with the GPL correctly?”

If you feel this way, it’s not surprising. Indeed, if you’re only just getting into open source or releasing your first theme or plugin, I’d say it’s to be expected. I say that because not only do you need to understand a legally-oriented copyright licence but, if you wish to make your products available on, you also need to get to grips with the theme and plugin guidelines. And if you want to make free versions available on and commercial versions available elsewhere, you need to understand what is and isn’t allowed.

The key question you may ask is: “how do I apply and comply with the GPL correctly, from the perspective of what the GPL requires and, where relevant, from the perspective of what requires?” In this post I’m going to try to answer that question in detail. The goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for those who ask this very question. The post:

  • sets the scene with a quick primer on copyright and licensing;
  • provides some basic context on copyright and licensing statements;
  • summarises the key requirements of the GPL;
  • explains how to apply the GPL, looking at the Free Software Foundation’s recommendations, what often happens in practice, suggested approaches and requirements on for both themes and plugins, and the importance of not forgetting to retain pre-existing copyright notices and to acknowledge other sources to the extent required; and
  • discusses the question of free 100% GPL licensing and commercial split licensing.

Sample licensing text is provided throughout the post to help you hit the ground running. I’ve also built a GPL Engine that you can use to generate legally sound content for:

  • your style.css, readme and licence files for your theme folder; or
  • your plugin file header, readme and licence files for your plugin folder.

If you want to jump straight to the GPL Engine, it’s at the end of the post.

A quick primer on copyright and licensing


Before getting stuck into the practical stuff, I think it helps to understand some basics about copyright and licensing. Sure, many people understand the basics, but there are probably just as many who don’t. I’ll keep it brief.

Copyright is an intellectual property right created by the laws of a given country that confers, on the copyright owner, exclusive rights to do certain things with an original work (such as a book or an audio recording). The exclusive rights include copying the work and modifying the work. If a person does something that interferes with the copyright owner’s exclusive rights, that person infringes copyright unless he or she has a defence that is recognised by the governing law.

In most countries software qualifies as a kind of copyright work. International copyright treaties usually use the term “computer program” and state that computer programs are to be protected as literary works. (International copyright treaties lay down minimum requirements that contracting countries are required to reflect in their national laws.)

Software licences, whether open source or proprietary, exist to enable people to do things with software that they would not otherwise be entitled to do given the copyright owner’s exclusive rights. Open source licences, in particular, exist to enable anyone who obtains a copy of the licensed software to use, copy, modify and distribute the software as long as they comply with the licence’s requirements. The GPL is one of the most well known and widely used open source software licences and it’s the licence under which WordPress itself is licensed.

Copyright and licensing statements for open source software

Copyright and licensing statements for open source software generally comprise:

  • a statement of copyright ownership; and
  • a description of the licence that applies to the software.

They appear in the same place but I’ll consider them separately here to explain a couple of points.

The copyright notice

When applying an open source software licence, it is common practice to add the year the software was completed and the name of the copyright owner(s), in the following format:

Copyright (c), [name(s) of copyright owners]

Description of the applicable licence

The description of the licence that applies to the software either sets out the full terms of the licence or refers to the applicable licence and links to the full text of the licence (to some extent the preferable approach may depend on the particular open source licence in question). The description may also contain statements that exclude warranties and liabilities. (You’ll see examples later in this post.)

A quick recap on the GPL’s freedoms and requirements

Because this post is all about applying the GPL, it may also help to provide a quick recap on the GPL’s freedoms and requirements.

In a previous post, “A human readable summary of the GPL?“, I set out two summaries of the GPL. One of them follows the sequence of the GPL itself and the other takes more of a Creative Commons ‘human readable summary’ approach. Here are the two summaries.

The sequential summary


Here’s a PDF of this page if you’d like it.

The Creative Commons-style ‘human readable’ summary


Here’s a PDF of this summary if you’d like it.

With all that context behind us, we can now move on to address the main topic which is how to apply the GPL.

How to apply the GPL

Free Software Foundation’s recommendations

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a non-profit with a worldwide mission to promote computer user freedom. It’s also the publisher of the GPL.

On the topic of applying the GPL, the FSF recommends that notices be attached “to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the ‘copyright’ line and a pointer to where the full notice is found”, along these lines:

The WordoMattic Plugin – a plugin for WordPress that enables you to convert images in your posts to word-based images.

Copyright (c) 2016, WordoMattic Inc.

The WordoMattic Plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>

You can contact us at

What often happens in practice

This suggested approach is commonly not followed in the sense that commonly the notices are added to a single or primary file, or a small number of files, as opposed to all files. This is due, no doubt, to the large number of distinct files that often comprise a single software package and the nuisance factor in adding the notices to each file.

Where this approach is taken and a single file that doesn’t contain the copyright and licensing statement is separated from the rest, there’s a risk that a user of the code won’t know:

  • where it came from;
  • who owns the copyright; and
  • what permissions he or she has.

I doubt, however, that this is much of a practical problem in the WordPress space.

Suggested approaches and requirements on



If you wish to have a theme or plugin listed in the theme or plugin repository, paying attention to the approaches to licensing and complying with the requirements for licensing set out on is important. In the case of themes, for example, missing copyright and licensing information has been cited as one of the most common reasons for non-acceptance of a theme into the repository (see, e.g., Carolina Nymark’s post of 29 September 2016 Incomplete theme submissions).

I now turn to look at the requirements for both themes and plugins. For each, I set out the requirements and then provide examples of the form in which those requirements can be and are commonly met.



The Theme Handbook includes the following licensing requirements:


Be 100% GPL and/or 100% GPL-compatible licensed.

Declare copyright and license explicitly. Use the license and license uri header slugs to style.css.

Declare licenses of any resources included such as fonts or images.

All code and design should be your own or legally yours. Cloning of designs is not acceptable.

Be careful of GPL-compatibility

As to the first item, you can’t read the words “and/or 100% GPL-compatible licensed” too literally. On the prevailing view in the WordPress community, in most cases a theme cannot be 100% licensed under a GPL-compatible licence. The prevailing view is that the GPL itself has to apply to at least some of it. This is because a theme’s PHP files are generally considered to be derivative of WordPress code and need, therefore, to be licensed under the GPL.

In 2009 Matt Mullenweg sought a legal opinion from the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) on the application of the GPL to themes. You can find it in his post of 2 July 2009, Themes are GPL, too. Matt summarised the SFLC opinion in one sentence: “PHP in WordPress themes must be GPL, artwork and CSS may be but are not required.”

Even if you don’t agree with this, if you’re using files from themes that themselves have been released under the GPL, such as Underscores, and are creating a derivative work, the GPL requires you to release your derivative work under the GPL when you distribute it.

The GPL-compatibility point is usually only relevant to other assets in a WordPress theme that are not themselves already licensed under the GPL and are not derivative of GPL-licensed code. Under the Theme Handbook requirements, those other assets need to be licensed under the GPL or a licence that is compatible with the GPL if the theme is going into the theme repository. This is a matter of policy.

Add licensing information to your style.css file

As to the second item (“Declare copyright and license explicitly. Use the license and license uri header slugs to style.css”), what it’s saying is: use license and license URI header slugs in your style.css file to state the copyright and licensing of your theme. This is a requirement for acceptance of a theme into the repository and is something the theme check plugin (used for the preliminary vetting of themes submitted to seems to look for.

Declaring the licensing of third party resources

Note that the third item (“Declare licenses of any resources included such as fonts or images”) doesn’t state expressly that you should put this information in your style.css file (as opposed to, for example, putting it in a readme file). I have seen several themes that do use third party resources but, instead of declaring them in the style.css file, they cover them in a readme file. I suggest it’s preferable that they be covered in both places (I discuss readme files and acknowledging third party resources in more detail below).  If your style.css file only covers your own licensing when you have, in fact, based your theme on another theme or used third party assets, then the style.css file could give an incomplete or misleading picture of the make-up and licensing of your overall theme. The GPL Engine I’ve built puts this information into both the style.css file and the readme file.


Here’s an example of a compliant style.css file. It’s the first part of the style.css file for the Twenty Sixteen theme:

Theme Name: Twenty Sixteen
Theme URI:
Author: the WordPress team
Author URI:

Description: Twenty Sixteen is a modernized take on an ever-popular WordPress layout — the horizontal masthead with an optional right sidebar that works perfectly for blogs and websites. It has custom color options with beautiful default color schemes, a harmonious fluid grid using a mobile-first approach, and impeccable polish in every detail. Twenty Sixteen will make your WordPress look beautiful everywhere.

Version: 1.3

License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:

Tags: one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, accessibility-ready, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flexible-header, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog

Text Domain: twentysixteen

This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL. Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you’ve learned with others.

As an aside, it’s not uncommon to find commercial themes including the licensing information in a separate license or readme file and not in the style.css file (licence and readme files are discussed further below). From a GPL perspective, that’s fine, but if you’re submitting a theme to the repository you should include the information in the style.css file.



At the date of writing, the Detailed Plugin Guidelines on (which were updated on 3 November 2016) stated:

1. Plugins must be compatible with the GNU General Public License v2, or any later version, to be hosted on

Though any GPL-compatible license is acceptable, using the same license as WordPress — “GPLv2 or later” — is recommended. All code, data, and images — anything stored in the directory — must comply with the GPL (any version, two or later), regardless of their creator. Included third-party libraries must also be compatible. For a specific list of compatible licenses, please read the GPL-Compatible license list on

I truly don’t mean to be pedantic but these paragraphs could lead people into error. To the extent that a plugin is truly a derivative work of pre-existing GPL-licensed code (e.g., another GPL-licensed plugin), that derivative work must be licensed under the GPL itself upon distribution. If you purport to license a true derivative of a GPL-licensed work under a different licence, you’ll be breaching the GPL (which means your right to use the GPL-licensed code will end and you’ll be infringing copyright). The GPL does not allow you to license a derivative of a GPL-licensed work under a GPL-compatible licence. As with a similar statement relating to themes (see above), from a legal perspective, the reference to GPL compatibility should only be read as referring to elements of the plugin that are not already GPL-licensed and elements that are not derived from GPL-licensed code (in some cases that might be everything in the plugin but in others it won’t be). Those elements can be licensed under a GPL-compatible licence and, under the Plugin Guidelines, need to be.


As noted in the Plugin Handbook on

At its simplest, a WordPress plugin is a PHP file with a WordPress plugin header comment. It’s recommended that you create a directory to hold your plugin. Only one file in the plugin’s folder should have the header comment.

The Handbook states that, “[a]t a minimum, a header comment must contain the Plugin Name, but several pieces can – and usually should – be included”. Those additional pieces are Plugin URI, Description, Version, Author, Author URI, License, License URI, Text Domain and Domain Path. Our focus here is on the License and License URI.

The Handbook gives this example of a valid header comment:

Plugin Name: Plugin
Plugin URI:
Description: Basic WordPress Plugin Header Comment
Version: 20160911
Author URI:
License: GPL2
License URI:
Text Domain: wporg
Domain Path: /languages

As you can see, the header contains a brief reference to GPL2 and a link to the full licence. It doesn’t replicate the exclusion of warranty as recommended by the Free Software Foundation but the exclusion of warranty is contained in the GPL itself and the absence of it here is not likely to pose any problem in practice.

That said, the Plugin Handbook provides further guidance on “including a software licence“, noting that “another common, and encouraged, practice is to place a license block comment near the top of your main plugin file (the same one that has the plugin header comment)”. It gives this example:

Plugin Name: Plugin
Plugin URI:
Description: Basic WordPress Plugin Header Comment
Version: 20160911
Author URI:
Text Domain: wporg
Domain Path: /languages
License: GPL2

{Plugin Name} is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or any later version.

{Plugin Name} is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with {Plugin Name}. If not, see {License URI}.

Choosing this longer form is unlikely to make much difference in practice but I suggest it’s preferable because it provides a (very) short summary of the GPL freedoms and includes the exclusion of warranties. If I were releasing WordPress products under the GPL it’s the approach I’d probably adopt but, as I say, in practice it probably makes little difference. Some developers adopt the short form approach (e.g., Elegant Themes’ Monarch plugin) while others adopt the longer form approach (e.g., Rocketgenius’s Gravity Forms).

What about readme and licence files in addition to the theme style.css file or plugin file header?


As at the date of writing this post, the Theme Review Handbook included (in its Review > Recommended > Documentation section) a list of recommendations for documentation. That list includes the statement:

A readme.txt file can be included.

Whilst this is stated as a recommendation, it is common practice to include a readme.txt file and it seems that inclusion of a readme.txt file is one of the things the theme check plugin looks for.

Developers often include licensing information in the readme file, as well as other information relevant to the theme. At least in relation to themes for the theme repository, this has become something of a community norm.

Set out below is an example readme.txt file, from the Twenty Sixteen theme. As you can see:

  • upfront, it includes summary licensing information that’s similar to what one sees in the style.css file; and
  • later on, it includes a distinct “Copyright” section that contains the standard GPL copyright and licensing statement that I mentioned earlier in this post as well as information on bundled third party resources (I discuss third party resources in more detail later on in this post).

Here it is:

=== Twenty Sixteen ===
Contributors: the WordPress team
Requires at least: WordPress 4.4
Tested up to: WordPress 4.5
Version: 1.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Tags: one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, accessibility-ready, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flexible-header, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog

== Description ==
Twenty Sixteen is a modernized take on an ever-popular WordPress layout — the horizontal masthead with an optional right sidebar that works perfectly for blogs and websites. It has custom color options with beautiful default color schemes, a harmonious fluid grid using a mobile-first approach, and impeccable polish in every detail. Twenty Sixteen will make your WordPress look beautiful everywhere.

* Mobile-first, Responsive Layout
* Custom Colors
* Custom Header
* Social Links
* Post Formats
* The GPL v2.0 or later license. 🙂 Use it to make something cool.

For more information about Twenty Sixteen please go to

== Installation ==

1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the ‘Add New’ button.
2. Type in Twenty Sixteen in the search form and press the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard.
3. Click on the ‘Activate’ button to use your new theme right away.
4. Go to for a guide on how to customize this theme.
5. Navigate to Appearance > Customize in your admin panel and customize to taste.

== Copyright ==

Twenty Sixteen WordPress Theme, Copyright 2014-2015
Twenty Sixteen is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

Twenty Sixteen Theme bundles the following third-party resources:

HTML5 Shiv v3.7.0, Copyright 2014 Alexander Farkas
Licenses: MIT/GPL2

Genericons icon font, Copyright 2013-2015
License: GNU GPL, Version 2 (or later)

Image used in screenshot.png: A photo by Austin Schmid (, licensed under Creative Commons Zero(

== Changelog ==

= 1.3 =
* Released: August 16, 2016

= 1.2 =
* Released: April 12, 2016

= 1.1 =
* Released: January 6, 2016

= 1.0 =
* Released: December 8, 2015

Initial release

== Notes ==

Only the default and dark color schemes are accessibility ready.

Some choose to keep the licensing information in a separate license.txt or licensing.txt file. Personally I think it’s clearer to call a spade a spade and include licensing information in a license.txt or licensing.txt file (in addition to complying with other requirements) but a sizeable number of developers appear to put this information in the readme file. That’s not surprising as it’s something of a WordPress community norm. And to be clear, I don’t think there’s any problem with this approach because, if someone is looking for licensing information and can’t see a licensing.txt file, they’re going to read the readme file. The GPL Engine (below) follows the approach.


At the date of writing, the Plugin Handbook stated:

“To make your entry in the plugin browser most useful, each plugin should have a readme file named readme.txt that adheres to the WordPress plugin readme file standard. You can use the plugin readme generator and put the result through the readme validator to check it.”

The WordPress plugin readme file standard includes slugs for ‘License’ and ‘License URI’.

To make life easier, the Plugin Handbook also provides links to various plugin ‘boilerplate starting points’ that contain readme and license files. The first two, WordPress Plugin Boilerplate and WordPress Plugin Bootstrap, both contain good readme.txt files (that have summary licensing entries) and license.txt files (that contain the full text of the GPL). They are both licensed under the GPL.

This is the template readme.txt file from the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate (with a very minor tweak I made in October 2016). As noted above, it’s distributed under the GPL so feel free to enjoy your freedoms and use it:

=== Your Plugin Name ===
Contributors: your_wp_user_name
Donate link:
Tags: your_tags
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.8
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Short description

== Description ==
Long description

== Installation ==
* Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress built-in Add New Plugin installer;
* Activate the plugin;
* Navigate to Plugin Settings and fill settings.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is the plugin license? =

* This plugin is released under a GPL license.

== Screenshots ==
1. Image 01.
2. Image 02.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* Notes of the version.
== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0 =
* Initial Version.

== License ==
This file is part of Your Plugin Name.

Your Plugin Name is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version.

Your Plugin Name is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Get a copy of the GNU General Public License in <>.

Don’t forget to retain pre-existing copyright notices and to attribute other sources to the extent required


So far I’ve really only been talking about including the requisite copyright and licensing statements in relation to theme and plugin contents the developer has written. I’ve mentioned the inclusion of third party assets but haven’t indicated how to acknowledge them. Developers do, of course, often use pre-existing assets in their themes and plugins, whether in the form of code files (full or partial) or other assets such as fonts or images, so this topic will often be relevant.

As noted earlier in this post:

  • if you distribute a GPL-licensed program, you must publish on each copy of the program an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty, keep intact all notices that refer to the GPL and the absence of any warranty, and give recipients a copy of the GPL along with the program; and
  • if you modify GPL-licensed files, the modified files need to contain notices regarding the existence and date of changes.

Attribution when basing your theme or plugin on an existing GPL-licensed theme or plugin

Before getting into this topic, I note that sometimes people say the GPL doesn’t require ‘attribution’. In saying that they might be thinking of Creative Commons licensing-style attribution but it’s not correct to say the GPL doesn’t require attribution. The GPL does require a kind of attribution and it takes the form of retaining copyright notices that name the owners of the copyright in the original code and the requirement that you note, when modifying their files, that you’ve modified them.

If you’re basing your theme or plugin on an existing GPL-licensed theme or plugin, you will in all likelihood be creating a derivative work. Let’s say, for example, that you’ve developed a theme called Awesome Theme based on Automattic’s Components. In that case, you could include this kind of statement in a ‘Credits’ or ‘Acknowledgements’ or ‘Attribution’ section in your readme.txt or license.txt file:

* Based on, (C) 2015-2016 Automattic, Inc., [GPLv2 or later](

Or, if you want to use more of a narrative tone, you could say something like:

* Awesome Theme is based on Components. Components, (C) 2015-2016 Automattic, Inc., is available at and is licensed under the GPL, version 2 or later (

(The words “based on” are essentially the same as “derived from” but are, I think, plainer English and easier to understand.)

Including chunks of GPL’d code in your own theme or plugin files

If you’re including a substantial part of someone else’s GPL-licensed file in your own theme or plugin files, you should acknowledge that, preferably in the header to the relevant file or in inline non-code comments and, in any case, in a broader readme.txt or license.txt file in your theme or plugin folder. If you’ve modified that code, you should note that too. The following example is based on an example in Chip Bennett’s very useful article on, Proper Copyright/License Attribution for Themes:

Ginger WordPress Theme incorporates code from Fred WordPress Theme, Copyright 2012 Joe Smith. Fred WordPress Theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2,

Bundled third party resources

Chip also refers to bundling third party resources, such as script libraries, CSS frameworks, images, fonts, etc. The notion of ‘bundling’ is a good one, in my view, and it is commonly used in readme.txt and license.txt files.

‘Bundling’ is apt to describe third party resources that are used for a theme or plugin but which are not caught by the GPL licensing requirements that will often apply to (for example) the GPL-licensed PHP files (i.e., those files will often need to be licensed under the GPL because they’re derivative of pre-existing GPL-licensed code).

To explain this, it may help to recap on how the GPL deals with independent and aggregated works. Whilst derivative works of GPL-licensed programs need to be licensed under the GPL, the GPL itself makes it clear that:

  • if identifiable sections of the overall work are not derived from the GPL-licensed program and can be considered independent and separate works in themselves, then the GPL does not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works; and
  • mere aggregation of another work not based on the program with the program (or with a work based on the program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of the GPL2.

So what do these two points mean in practical terms? They mean that not necessarily everything in your plugin or theme folder is required to be licensed under the GPL, even if the core PHP files, for example, are derivative of GPL-licensed code and do need to be GPL-licensed, and this is why you can bundle third party resources in your distribution, such as images or fonts, that have been licensed under alternative licences.

To give an example, let’s say I’ve used a base theme like Underscores for my own theme, but I’m also using a range of third party resources like images and fonts, that were not in the original Underscores distribution. Well, if those bundled resources can be considered independent or merely aggregated as mentioned above (which I suggest will usually be the case and is consistent with the SFLC opinion mentioned above), then you can use them together with the GPL’d code even if the third party owners have licensed them under a different licence.

But, and this is the key point for present purposes, you still need to comply with the copyright notice or attribution requirements of the licences that apply to those bundled resources.

The readme.txt file for the Twenty Sixteen theme provides an example of how you might go about acknowledging or attributing bundled resources. I’ve reproduced the whole copyright section (it’s licensed under the GPL of course) but you’ll find the attribution content towards the bottom):

== Copyright ==

Twenty Sixteen WordPress Theme, Copyright 2014-2015
Twenty Sixteen is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

Twenty Sixteen Theme bundles the following third-party resources:

HTML5 Shiv v3.7.0, Copyright 2014 Alexander Farkas
Licenses: MIT/GPL2

Genericons icon font, Copyright 2013-2015
License: GNU GPL, Version 2 (or later)

Image used in screenshot.png: A photo by Austin Schmid (, licensed under Creative Commons Zero(

Note that, if you wish to submit your theme or plugin to the relevant repository, the bundled assets still need to be licensed under either the GPL or a GPL-compatible licence. The Detailed Plugin Guidelines and the Theme Handbook both make that clear.

Free and commercial licensing — 100% GPL and split licensing


The question

The question here is: “can I 100% GPL-license a free or lite version of a theme or plugin for the theme or plugin repository and split-license the commercial version available elsewhere?” (A split licence is a licence that applies the GPL to some of a theme’s or plugin’s assets (e.g., PHP and HTML files) and a more restrictive licence to other assets.)


In relation to themes, the short answer is no. The position is clearly stated on the Theme Directory’s ‘Getting Started‘ page:

Themes from sites that support non-GPL (or compatible) themes or that don’t meet with the theme review guidelines will not be approved.

This means you cannot sell a commercial theme on your own site or the likes of ThemeForest under a split licence and expect the Theme Review Team to approve a free version that is 100% GPL-licensed. It is highly unlikely that your free version would be approved for listing in the repository. If it were approved because the theme reviewer didn’t notice that you’re selling a split-licensed commercial version elsewhere, you’d run the risk of the free version being taken down upon someone noticing the discrepancy.

In addition to the formal theme guidance on this point on, Justin Tadlock published an interesting post on the topic in 2015: Themes should be 100% GPL.

In case anyone is wondering, the legitimacy of the Theme Review Team’s stance on this issue is not affected by the opinion of the Software Freedom Law Center on the application of the GPL to themes (discussed earlier in this post). The reason why the legitimacy of the Theme Review Team’s stance on this issue is not affected by the SFLC opinion is that the Theme Review Team’s stance is a matter of policy. The Theme Review Team is not asserting that, legally, themes must be 100% GPL-licensed. Rather, they are saying that, as a matter of policy or self-regulatory rules, if you want a theme to be listed in the repository, your themes – free and commercial versions – need to be 100% GPL-licensed (or, in the case of elements that do not need to be GPL-licensed, compatibly licensed).


The position in relation to plugins seems unclear. As far as I can see, the Plugin Team hasn’t issued guidance that prohibits submission of a GPL-licensed plugin to when a commercial version is available elsewhere under a more restrictive licence (such as a split licence). If members of the Plugin Team read this and have any comments, I’d love to hear them please. (Perhaps I’ll need to amend this paragraph.)

GPL Engine


In writing this post I’ve tried to provide as much practical information as possible. However, I realise that it might still be difficult for some people to bring everything together when it comes to preparing the copyright and licensing sections of their own style.css header or plugin file header and their own readme.txt files. There’s quite a bit to digest and, because there’s a mix of GPL-related and rules to bear in mind, it’d be easy to forget the detail over time. And let’s face it, some people will have little to no desire to spend much time dealing with legal minutiae when they’d rather be coding or releasing their theme or plugin.

So with that in mind I’ve built a “GPL Engine” that asks you a bunch of questions about your theme or plugin and then spits out content for:

  • your style.css, readme and licence files for your theme folder; or
  • your plugin file header, readme and licence files for your plugin folder.

Take it for a spin and let me know what you think in the comments.

GPL Engine – Themes  GPL Engine – Plugins


If anyone has any comments on this post that may result in its improvement, please add them below. The more the merrier. If there’s room for improvement, I’ll improve it.


Thanks to:

  • Cathryn Lavery for the featured image, released on under CC0;
  • mkabakov / for the copyright image;
  • Matt Jones for the ‘Thank You’ image, released on under CC0
  • Elizabeth Lies for the green/brown field image, released on under CC0; and
  • wowomnom / for the image used for GPL Engine.

“I’d rather see [an] attorney’s attention spent … on clarity and brevity”

WordPress, Wix and the GPL

The Wix controversy, if I can call it that, has stirred up quite a bit of emotion in the WordPress and wider tech and open source communities. I’ve given my thoughts on what I see as the main issues in my previous post “Some thoughts on the Wix mobile app story (updated)”.

In reading a wide range of comments on the various news and blog articles on this story, it strikes me that many people don’t understand the GPL, either due to its complexity at the margins (and I assure you that, at the margins, it can bamboozle lawyers too) or, in some cases, because they haven’t read it.

Then, in reading further through various comments, one comment on the WP Tavern story stood out to me. Lisa League wrote:

“Spending time, money, and attention on court diverts it to attorneys instead of that valuable time money, and attention spent on software.

… this is where I’d rather see attorney’s attention spent – on clarity and brevity where possible in defining the license terms. Not in court enforcing them.

On education, so that the many communities who use and contribute to OSS projects using GPL or various “MIT” licenses are clear on how to do so correctly.

Maybe too idealistic to hope for, but then these kinds of situations would be less likely to happen intentionally or inadvertently. Without opponents you can’t play the sport, but you also can’t play well if everyone’s trying to play the same game by a different set of rules. Or without knowing the rules.”

This struck a chord with me given that I’ve rambled on about the GPL in all manner of contexts. So, in this post, and to answer Lisa’s comment, I’m going to:

  • try to meet Lisa’s suggestion as to clarity and brevity;
  • give away a bunch of copies of my ebook on WordPress and the GPL; and
  • post some audio tracks of chapters of the ebook.

Clarity and brevity

In a previous post, “A human readable summary of the GPL?“, I set out two summaries of the GPL. One of them follows the sequence of the GPL itself and the other takes more of a Creative Commons ‘human readable summary’ approach (actually, I hope they’re both human-readable, but you’ll get my drift). Here are the two summaries.

The sequential summary


Here’s a PDF of this page if you’d like it.

The Creative Commons-style ‘human readable’ summary


Here’s a PDF of this summary if you’d like it.

A Practical Guide to WordPress and the GPL

I’ve compiled a range of my thoughts on WordPress and the GPL in my ebook “A Practical Guide to WordPress and the GPL“. Because WordPress and GPL issues are once again so topical, I’ve decided to give away 100 copies of it to the first 100 people who complete the form below.

If you’d like a copy, just enter your email address below. The ebook will be sent to the first 100 people who do so.

Sorry but the 100 free copies have gone.

Oh, and Lisa, if you’d like it, you can have the full Business Package. Just send me a note via my contact form and I’ll send it to you.

Some audio

When I created the ebook, I also had an audio version prepared. Perhaps somewhat optimistically, I thought people might actually listen to audio files on this stuff. Anyway, for those who are actually interested in doing that (but without paying for the audio book package), I’ve included the audio files from a few chapters. (By the way, I’m not the narrator. I paid for someone else to do that.)

Chapter 1: Introduction: conception, birth and forking

Chapter 2. Understanding the GPL licensing of WordPress

Chapter 3. Common GPL-related questions

Chapter 9: The GPL and trademarks

Hope this helps.