Ask me a question

I’d like this site to be relevant and helpful to WordPress users, whether they’re developers, designers, bloggers, podcasters, entrepreneurs or whatever. That means writing on topics people would like to hear about.

Feel free to ask me a legally-oriented question regarding your use, deployment or commercialisation of WordPress by using the form below.  I can’t make any promises but will do what I can to address it.

(Questions need to be relevant to WP and Legal Stuff and issues relevant to people in multiple countries are better than those which focus on a specific law of an individual country. Your general question should not be confidential as I may publish it on the site. I may mention your first name – unless you ask me not to – but I won’t mention your last name.)

  • You don't have to give me your name but it'd be good to know who is asking the question. Feel free to enter only your first name if you like.
  • I need your email address in case I need to clarify your question. You'll also be added to the WP and Legal Stuff mailing list so that, if I answer your question, you'll see it in your inbox. You'll be able to unsubscribe at any time.
  • You don't have to answer these questions. No problem at all if you'd rather not. I'm just keen to understand my audience better.
  • Please note that I'm not your lawyer. Asking me a question through this form does not create a lawyer-client relationship. My usual disclaimer applies. When asking me a question, you agree to my terms of use.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.